Posted On: Dec 29, 2017

We are excited to announce a significant change to Amazon IoT pricing that will go into effect January 1, 2018. Previously, Amazon IoT charged for the use of connectivity, messaging, Thing Shadow, Thing Registry, and Rules Engine under a bundled pricing plan. The new plan unbundles pricing by charging for these components independently. This allows you to tailor costs around your specific workload, and ensures you only pay for what you use. 

The new pricing plan also delivers great value. You can connect a device to Amazon IoT Core 24/7 for an entire year. In order to maintain connectivity, devices may send keep-alive (“Ping”) messages at frequencies ranging from 20 minutes to every 30 seconds, and you do not incur any additional cost for these messages. Messages are now metered in 5 kilobyte increments (up from 512 bytes), which means workloads that exchange large messages will be metered for fewer messages. To get more details on the new rates check out the Amazon Console.