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The following services are available in the Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region operated by Sinnet, and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region operated by NWCD.

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Explore Amazon Web Services Products

The following are Amazon Web services that are available with Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) region operated by Sinnet, and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) region operated by NWCD
Hot Contact Us

Hotline Contact Us

1010 0766
Beijing Region
Operated By Sinnet
1010 0966
Ningxia Region
Operated By NWCD

Unmatched Breadth and Depth of Services

Unmatched Breadth and Depth of Services

Save Your Cost with Our Flexible Pricing

Getting Started

 Core Knowledge
Core Knowledge
New User Guide
Set Up Your Tax Information
Set Up Your Cost Management
Best Practice
Best Practice
Disaster Recovery Factory
Spot Tagging Bot
Identity & Access Management
Product Tutorials
Product Tutorials
Use Cases
Product Guides

Getting Started

Learn more >>
Core Knowledge
New User Guide
Set Up Your Tax Information
Set Up Your Cost Management
Best Practice
Disaster Recovery Factory
Spot Tagging Bot
Identity & Access Management
Product Tutorials
Use Cases
Product Guides
Learn more >>

Start to Build for Free with Amazon Web Services

Start to Build for Free with Amazon Web Services

Start to Build for Free with Amazon Web Services

Start to Build for Free with Amazon Web Services

Hot Contact Us

Hotline Contact Us

1010 0766
Beijing Region
Operated By Sinnet
1010 0966
Ningxia Region
Operated By NWCD