Posted On: Apr 3, 2023

Starting today you will receive notifications for your On-Demand Capacity Reservations that are utilizing less than 20% of Amazon EC2 instances in the reservation. These alerts will be delivered to you through Amazon Health DashboardCloudwatch Events and email, without any action required from your side and at no additional cost to you. 

Capacity Reservations let you reserve EC2 capacity for any duration. Once you create a Capacity Reservation, the EC2 capacity is held for you regardless of whether you run the instances or not. These notifications help you track utilization and ensure you are using your desired number of instances, across all your capacity reservations.  

This feature is available in both Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD. Check out how to use Utilization Notifications for your capacity reservations to learn more.