Posted On: Mar 5, 2021

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) now supports replication filters for MySQL and MariaDB instances in Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet, and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD. Replication filters specify which databases and tables are replicated in a read replica. Customers create lists of databases and tables to include or exclude for each replica.  

Replication filtering can reduce the size of read replicas by excluding unnecessary databases or tables, and or can benefit security and compliance by excluding databases or tables from a replica. Customers can also use replication filtering to create replicas tailored to specific use cases like analytics or sharding, or to create replicas with different tables or databases in different Regions.

To learn more about replication filtering and how to apply it to your instances, please see the Amazon RDS user guide for MySQL or MariaDB.