Data Warehouse
Get Started with NorthBay

Creating a data warehouse that enables your organization to integrate data from many disparate sources presents many challenges. Among these are the quality of the inconsistent data that needs to be combined, understanding what analysis will be performed to make informed business decisions, and precisely defining the necessary requirements to design an effective data warehouse. Addressing these challenges requires a modern, scalable data warehouse that is able to generate reliable reporting and analytics tools.

NorthBay is equipped to architect, design, and develop a big data solution for your company—as they have for others such as FedEx, RE/MAX, and Scholastic. NorthBay is the first company to achieve the Amazon Web Services  Big Data Competency, and they have years of experience supporting Amazon Web Services customers deploying Amazon Redshift data warehouses.

The consulting experts at NorthBay can guide you through the entire data warehousing process, and help optimize your Amazon Redshift environment after cloud adoption. They will lead the establishment of a data warehouse foundation on Amazon Web Services, and leverage their expertise to help you integrate a wide range of Amazon Web Services services to increase reporting and analytical efficiency.

Discounted Jumpstart Consulting Offer

NorthBay has worked with Amazon Web Services to develop a Jumpstart offering to accelerate the development of your data warehouse solution. It includes a needs assessment, capacity planning, and more.

Learn about the Jumpstart offer.

View Jumpstart Consulting Offer

Need more resources to get started with Amazon Web Services? Visit the Getting Started Resource Center to learn more.

In this whitepaper, we have compiled the essential information you need to take advantage of Amazon Web Services services for your data warehousing and analytics needs.