Partnerships extend Just Walk Out technology to more colleges and universities

by Jeff Gibb | on

In September 2022, Texas A&M University became the first higher education institution to launch Just Walk Out technology at its sports venue, Kyle Field. Three “March In, March Out” stores were installed, offering fans products like snacks, chips, soda, water, and alcoholic beverages. The stadium is one of the 10 highest capacity stadiums in the world with more than 100,000 spectators attending most games. As proven similarly at professional sports venues before, Just Walk Out technology and Amazon One help to deliver frictionless, convenient experiences in high traffic areas such as sports stadiums, airports, and convenience stores.

What about elsewhere on campus? Technology needs to meet the various education use cases across dining, general retail, convenience, and more at multiple locations, sizes, and store formats across campuses, from sports venues to dining halls to residence halls. Amazon is now the first provider of frictionless store technology to secure partnerships for integrations with the major providers of declining balance/stored value student accounts on campuses in the United States:

CBORD GET App : CBORD’s integration with Just Walk Out technology provides higher education accountholders with a new way to shop. This integration allows students, staff, and faculty to utilize the virtual ID embedded in CBORD’s GET app to gain access to the checkout-free shopping experience, with charges applied to their account for the items they took after walking out. This solution is now available to CBORD higher education and healthcare sites that have licensed CBORD’s GET platform.

“I’m delighted to see our collaboration come to fruition, as it’s a win-win for both campus administrators and students,” says Rob DeCarlo, CBORD’s interim chief executive officer and chief financial officer. “We are excited to work with the Amazon Web Services team to bring this solution to additional higher education campuses in the coming months.”

Grubhub Campus: Grubhub’s integration with the Just Walk Out technology by Amazon helps broaden the value for the higher education community and food service providers alike. Diners will now be able to leverage their saved campus card payment options in the Grubhub app to process payment for the Just Walk Out shopping experience just as they do for any existing on-campus mobile order. The solution is available now to any of Grubhub’s current higher education partners who would like to bring this technology to their campus.

“We are excited to integrate with Amazon’s Just Walk Out technology to provide our Campus partners and their students with leading-edge autonomous technology solutions. The Just Walk Out integration is a natural fit in the Grubhub Campus product line that reimagines a modern and frictionless dining experience.” – Lyle Margerum, Director of Tech Operations at Grubhub.

Transact Campus Transact Mobile Ordering : Transact’s Mobile Ordering solution allows students to make purchases at campus stores using Just Walk Out technology. Students can utilize the payment information saved in their Transact Mobile Ordering account to seamlessly pay for the items they’ve selected. Transact will begin introducing the Just Walk Out technology integrations in the coming months for early-adopter campuses already using Transact Mobile Ordering, with plans to extend the service to more campuses later in the year.

“Together, Transact Mobile Ordering and Just Walk Out technology will create a seamless student experience by eliminating checkout lines and increasing efficiency in transactions,” said Laura Newell-McLaughlin, EVP/GM, Integrated Payments and Campus Commerce, Transact. “Utilizing Transact Mobile Ordering for store entry and payments unlocks several useful tools for universities and vendors such as stored payment profiles, tender selection, tender discount and taxes, in-app receipts, user segmentation, and transaction recovery.”

Most Just Walk Out stores accommodate a simple credit card tap at entry. To become a natural extension of the higher education environment, customers needed to be able to use college or university accounts to pay. The various app integrations allow colleges and universities to set up Just Walk Out stores with app entry: when a shopper uses the institution’s designated partner app to enter, payment is deducted from a meal plan or from a declining balance account.

“Integrations with all three student account services providers offers our customers more opportunity to launch stores on college campuses,” said Chris Rallo, Global Head of Pricing & Alliances, Just Walk Out technology. “We’re committed to extending the benefits of our technology to students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors.”

Just Walk Out technology is already expanding in education with its first on-campus convenience-style store at Marymount University in Arlington, Virginia. The first campus store to accept student accounts for payment is now open at the University of Dayton in Dayton, Ohio .

About Just Walk Out technology

Just Walk Out technology uses a combination of computer vision, sensor fusion, and deep learning to determine ‘who took what’ from a store. The ‘who’ is answered when a customer enters the store using their entry method, which is their credit card, or Amazon One ID. The ‘what’ is answered when the technology recognizes items as they are taken from the shelf among the retailer’s assortment of products. If a customer is new to using the Amazon One palm recognition service, they can enroll in less than a minute and use to enter or pay wherever Amazon One is available.

Learn more about Just Walk Out technology by Amazon.