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Exploring Amazon DynamoDB SDK clients
When working with
DynamoDB-JSON compared to native JSON
To grasp the intricacies of DynamoDB SDK clients, it’s essential to delve into the underlying foundation of how DynamoDB stores data in DynamoDB-JSON format. DynamoDB-JSON is a specialized format used by DynamoDB to store data in a structured manner. It extends the JSON format by introducing data type annotations to each attribute value.
The following code is an example of standard JSON:
Compare to DynamoDB-JSON:
In this case, the attribute "mykey"
is annotated with the data type "S"
to indicate that its value is a string.
DynamoDB uses specific data type annotations for different types of attribute values. Here, "S"
represents a string type. Other common annotations include "N"
for number, "B"
for binary data, "BOOL"
for Boolean, "L"
for List, and "M"
for a nested JSON object or Map. For a full list of data types, refer to
The low-level client
The low-level client is a direct interface to the DynamoDB API. This enables developers to interact with DynamoDB at a granular level. It requires explicit specification of request parameters and offers fine-grained control over data manipulation and API operations.
The low-level client relies on data type annotations (described previously), also known as tokens , to convey information to DynamoDB about how to interpret each attribute. These annotations serve as instructions to DynamoDB regarding the data type associated with each attribute value. When sending data to DynamoDB or retrieving data from it, the API protocol uses these tokens to ensure accurate and consistent interpretation of the attribute values.
Each available
Low-level clients have the following key characteristics:
- Provides fine-grained control over DynamoDB API operations
- Suitable for advanced use cases requiring low-level customization
- Offers flexibility for implementing complex data access patterns
- Provides a direct representation of the DynamoDB API
In addition to providing fine-grained control over DynamoDB API operations, the low-level client offers access to the complete range of DynamoDB API functionalities. This includes advanced features such as
These advanced functionalities provided by the low-level client offer powerful capabilities for data management, backup, and migration within DynamoDB. While the high-level SDKs provide convenience and abstraction for most common use cases, the low-level client is essential when using these specialized features.
The high-level client
On the other hand, the high-level client is a more abstracted and simplified interface that provides a higher level of abstraction when interacting with DynamoDB. It encapsulates many low-level details and simplifies common tasks. This reduces the amount of code required to work with DynamoDB.
The high-level client offers a more intuitive and developer-friendly approach by automatically handling low-level API operations and data conversions. It abstracts away the complexities of data type annotations and other granular details. This allows developers to focus on their application logic rather than low-level implementation details.
The high-level client often provides a more declarative and object-oriented programming model, making it easier to work with DynamoDB tables, items, and queries. It offers features such as automatic pagination, object mapping, and simplified query and scan operations. For most common use cases, the high-level client is recommended because it’s simple and easy to use. It simplifies the process of working with DynamoDB by reducing boilerplate code, and increasing developer productivity. It provides features such as automatic object mapping, which lets you directly map your application objects to DynamoDB items, making data manipulation more natural and effortless.
High-level clients have the following key attributes:
- Simplifies the development process by abstracting away low-level details.
- Ideal for most common use cases and general application development.
- Reduces boilerplate code and enhances developer productivity.
- Automates tasks such as pagination and error handling.
Examples of low-level compared to high-level clients
To illustrate the distinctions between low-level and high-level clients, we present examples using two popular Amazon Web Services SDKs:
Let’s consider a scenario in which we want to retrieve an item from a DynamoDB table with the primary key user_id
First, we explore the code using the low-level client approach in both Node.js and Python:
The following code is the Node.js low-level client example:
const { DynamoDBClient, GetItemCommand } = require('@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb');
const dynamoDBClient = new DynamoDBClient({ region: "us-west-2" });
const params = {
TableName: 'my-table',
Key: {
user_id: { 'S': '12345' },
const command = new GetItemCommand(params);
.then((data) => {
.catch((err) => {
Below is the output format, here we can assert the DynamoDB-JSON output which includes the data type annotations:
"user_id": {
"S": "12345"
"last_name": {
"S": "Whitlock"
"first_name": {
"S": "Terry"
"phone_number": {
"S": "555-0100"
"address": {
"M": {
"address_line_1": {
"S": "123 Any Stree"
"country": {
"S": "USA"
"address_line_2": {
"S": "Any Town"
"age": {
"N": "48"
The following code is the Python Boto3 low-level client example:
import boto3
dynamodb_client = boto3.client('dynamodb', region_name='us-west-2')
response = dynamodb_client.get_item(
'user_id': {'S': '12345'}
item = response['Item']
Below is the output format, which is the same as the DynamoDB-JSON format seen previously with the Node.js client:
'user_id': {
'S': '12345'
'last_name': {
'S': 'Whitlock'
'first_name': {
'S': 'Terry'
'phone_number': {
'S': '555-0100'
'address': {
'M': {
'address_line_1': {
'S': '123 Any Stree'
'country': {
'S': 'USA'
'address_line_2': {
'S': 'Any Town'
'age': {
'N': '48'
In these examples, the low-level clients (Node.JS and Boto3 client) are used to directly interact with the DynamoDB API. Developers must explicitly specify the parameters, including the table name and the key to retrieve the item.
Let’s examine the same scenario using the high-level clients.
The following code is the Node.js high-level client example:
const { DynamoDBClient } = require("@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb");
const { DynamoDBDocumentClient, GetCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb");
const client = new DynamoDBClient({ region: "us-west-2"});
const docClient = DynamoDBDocumentClient.from(client);
const params = {
TableName: "my-table",
Key: {
'user_id': '12345'
const command = new GetCommand(params);
.then((data) => {
.catch((err) => {
Output :
Below is the output format, which this time is returned in native JSON format, which do not include the data type annotations:
user_id: '12345',
last_name: 'Whitlock',
first_name: 'Terry',
phone_number: '555-0100',
address: {
address_line_1: '123 Any Stree',
country: 'USA',
address_line_2: 'Any Town'
age: 48
The following code is the Python Boto3 high-level client example:
import boto3
dynamodb_resource = boto3.resource('dynamodb', region_name='us-west-2')
table = dynamodb_resource.Table('my-table')
response = table.get_item(
'user_id': '12345'
item = response['Item']
Output :
The output here once again show native JSON without the data type annotations:
'user_id': '12345',
'last_name': 'Whitlock',
'first_name': 'Terry',
'phone_number': '555-0100',
'address': {
'address_line_1': '123 Any Stree',
'country': 'USA',
'address_line_2': 'Any Town'
}, '
age': Decimal('48')
In these examples, the high-level clients (DocumentClient in Node.js and boto3.resource in Python) offer a more abstracted and simplified interface. The code is cleaner and more readable because the clients handle many low-level details, such as data type annotations, implicitly.
We can clearly observe the difference in complexity and the level of abstraction provided by comparing the low-level and high-level client examples. The high-level clients abstract away the nuances of the underlying DynamoDB API. This allows developers to work with DynamoDB in a more intuitive and streamlined manner.
Converting between JSON formats
When interacting with DynamoDB, you may need to convert your JSON objects to DynamoDB-JSON format and vice versa. This is where the marshall and unmarshall functions from the utility packages become useful.
The marshall function is used to convert a JSON object into the DynamoDB-JSON attribute value format. It takes in a plain JSON object and returns a marshalled representation of that object so that the attribute values are transformed into the appropriate DynamoDB data types. This is particularly useful when preparing data to be stored in DynamoDB because it makes sure that the data adheres to the expected format.
On the other hand, the unmarshall function is used to convert a DynamoDB-JSON attribute value format back into a plain JSON object. It takes in the DynamoDB-JSON response object, typically retrieved from DynamoDB operations, and transforms the attribute values into their corresponding JSON data types. This allows you to work with the data in a more familiar and convenient way within your code.
While Node.js functions are called marshall and unmarshall, in the Boto3 library for Python, similar functionality is achieved using the serialize and deserialize operations. These operations perform the same tasks as their Node.js counterparts but are referred to by different names.
The serialize operation converts a Python object into the DynamoDB attribute value format. This prepares it for storage in DynamoDB.
The deserialize operation converts the DynamoDB attribute value format back into a Python object. This enables seamless processing and utilization of the retrieved data in Python applications.
NodeJS example
The following code is a Node.js example (package:
const { DynamoDBClient } = require('@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb');
const { marshall, unmarshall } = require('@aws-sdk/util-dynamodb');
const REGION = 'us-west-2';
const dynamoDBClient = new DynamoDBClient({ region: REGION });
// Marshall (Serialize) Example
const itemToStore = {
user_id: '12345',
first_name: 'Terry',
age: 48,
const marshalledItem = marshall(itemToStore);
const putItemParams = {
TableName: 'my-table',
Item: marshalledItem,
.then(() => {
console.log('Item stored successfully.');
.catch((err) => {
console.error('Error storing item:', err);
// Unmarshall (Deserialize) Example
const getItemParams = {
TableName: 'my-table',
Key: {
user_id: { S: '12345' },
.then((data) => {
const retrievedItem = unmarshall(data.Item);
.catch((err) => {
In the previous example, we demonstrate both marshalling (serialization) and unmarshalling (deserialization) using the Amazon Web Services SDK V3 for JavaScript.
Marshalling example overview
Marshalling consists of the following steps:
- Have a JavaScript object itemToStore represent an item to be stored in DynamoDB.
- Use the
marshall function to convert this object into the DynamoDB attribute value format (marshalledItem). - Pass the marshalled item to the putItem operation to store it in DynamoDB.
Unmarshalling example overview
Unarshalling consists of the following steps:
- Have the getItemParams object specify the table name and key to retrieve an item from DynamoDB.
- Call the getItem operation.
- Obtain the response data.
- Use the
unmarshall function to convert the DynamoDB attribute value format into a plain JavaScript object (retrievedItem). - Log the retrieved item to the console.
You can convert data between the DynamoDB attribute value format and JavaScript objects using the
Boto3 example
The following code is a Boto3 example (package:
import boto3 from boto3.dynamodb.types
import TypeSerializer, TypeDeserializer
REGION = 'us-west-2'
dynamodb_client = boto3.client('dynamodb', region_name=REGION)
# Serialize (Marshal) Example
item_to_store = {
'user_id': '12345',
'first_name': 'Terry',
'age': 48,
serializer = TypeSerializer()
serialized_item = serializer.serialize(item_to_store)
put_item_params = {
'TableName': 'my-table',
'Item': serialized_item,
deserializer = TypeDeserializer()
get_item_params = {
'TableName': 'my-table',
'Key': {
'user_id': {'S': '12345'},
response = dynamodb_client.get_item(**get_item_params)
retrieved_item = deserializer.deserialize(response['Item'])
In the previous example, we demonstrated both serialization (serialize) and deserialization (deserialize) using the Boto3 library for Python.
Serialization example
Serialization consists of the following steps:
- Have a Python dictionary item_to_store represent an item to be stored in DynamoDB.
- Create a TypeSerializer object and use its serialize method to convert the dictionary into the DynamoDB attribute value format (serialized_item).
- Pass the serialized item to the put_item operation to store it in DynamoDB.
Deserialization example
Deserialization consists of the following steps:
- Create a TypeDeserializer object.
- Specify the table name and key in the get_item_params dictionary to retrieve an item from DynamoDB.
- Call the get_item operation.
- Obtain the response containing the serialized item.
- Use the deserialize method of the TypeDeserializer object to convert the serialized item back into a Python dictionary (retrieved_item).
- Print the retrieved item.
You can convert data between the DynamoDB attribute value format and Python objects with the serialize and deserialize functions provided by Boto3. This enables seamless integration with DynamoDB and streamlined processing of data in your Python applications.
DynamoDB SDK programming language overview
The following table provides a general overview and may not include every available DynamoDB client for each programming language.
Programming language | High-level clients | Low-level clients |
JavaScript/Node V2 |
JavaScript/Node V3 |
Python Boto3 |
Java SDK V1 |
Java SDK V2 |
.NET (C#) |
Ruby |
Go |
Rust | N/A |
Swift |
Choosing between the low-level and high-level client depends on the specific requirements of your application.
The low-level client offers granular control and flexibility. This makes it suitable for advanced use cases and fine-tuned customization. The high-level client abstracts away complexities, providing a simpler and more productive experience for common use cases.
Understanding the characteristics, use cases, and benefits of both client types empowers developers to make informed decisions and use the most appropriate client for their DynamoDB interactions. It’s essential to consider factors such as the level of control required, the complexity of data access patterns, and the desired development experience when selecting the client that best suits your needs.
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About the Author
Lee Hannigan , Sr. DynamoDB Specialist SA. Lee has been a DynamoDB specialist for the past 4 years, with a strong background in Big Data technologies and valuable insights gained from working with innovative startups, Lee brings a wealth of knowledge to his Amazon Web Services customers in EMEA. Passionate about helping Amazon Web Services customers scale their applications, Lee’s expertise lies in leveraging DynamoDB and serverless technologies to achieve optimal performance and efficiency. By providing tailored solutions and guidance, Lee has successfully assisted hundreds of organizations in unlocking the full potential of DynamoDB and embracing serverless architectures. With a customer-centric approach and a deep understanding of Amazon Web Services services, Lee is dedicated to empowering businesses to thrive in the world of cloud computing.
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