发布于: Aug 6, 2019

Amazon API Gateway 现已在由光环新网运营的 亚马逊云科技 中国(北京)区域和由西云数据运营的 亚马逊云科技 中国(宁夏)区域支持 REST API 和 Amazon Virtual Private Cloud 之间的安全连接。客户现在可以使用 API Gateway 提供的私有 API 和 VPC 链接功能从互联网中隔离其 Amazon VPC 和 REST API 之间的流量。 

Private APIs enable you to securely expose REST APIs to resources only within your VPC or to those connected to your data centers via Amazon Direct Connect. If you have existing Edge Optimized or Regional APIs in API Gateway, you can convert them to Private APIs. VPC Links feature allows you to create REST APIs in front of your secured VPC resources without exposing them to the internet. Visit our documentation to learn more about Private APIs and Private Integrations in Amazon API Gateway.

您可以借助 亚马逊云科技 管理控制台、Amazon CLI 或软件开发工具包,使用 VPC 链接创建私有 API 和私有集成。有关 Amazon API Gateway 的更多信息,请访问我们的产品页面