征集参与:2023 年 RADIUSS 系列教程

劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室 (LLNL) 和 亚马逊云科技 再次联手为新兴 HPC 工具和应用程序提供培训机会。RADIUSS( 通过机构通用软件堆栈进行 快速应用程序开发 )是一套源自LLNL的开源软件项目。我们将共同举办一系列教程,让与会者亲身体验这些尖端技术。我们呼吁你参加这些活动。
Various logos for the RADIUSS projects.

这个 虚拟系列 包括截至8月份 的 九个不同的教程(比去年增加了两个)。每个教程都侧重于 RADIUSS 套件中的特定软件包。您将亲身体验每个项目,并详细了解如何在 亚马逊云科技 上部署 HPC。每项活动都将在 亚马逊云科技 资源上举办,使用 亚马逊云科技 ParallelCluster 提供一个 HPC 环境供您使用并获得相关经验。

LLNL 在提供一些世界上最大的超级计算机及其有效使用它们的支持软件方面有着悠久的历史。 LLNL 和 亚马逊云科技 之间的这种 合作 将这些项目和行业最佳实践带到了更广泛的社区。我们希望共同普及下一代计算研究工具和高性能计算资源。



要注册您的兴趣,请通过 RADIUSS 活动表格 注册教程。下表列出了每个活动的详细信息和注册截止日期。

Package Description Tutorial Date Signup Deadline
BLT BLT is a streamlined CMake-based foundation for Building, Linking and Testing large-scale high performance computing (HPC) applications. BLT makes it easy to get up and running on a wide range of HPC compilers, operating systems and technologies August 3rd
9am-11am PST
2 business days prior
Spack Spack is a multi-platform package manager that builds and installs multiple versions and configurations of software. It works on Linux, macOS, and many supercomputers. August 8th and 9th
8am-11:30am PST
2 business days prior
MFEM MFEM is a modular parallel C++ library for finite element methods. Its goal is to enable high-performance scalable finite element discretization research and application development on a wide variety of platforms, ranging from laptops to supercomputers. August 10th
9am-11am PST
2 business days prior
Caliper Caliper is a library to integrate performance profiling capabilities into applications. Caliper can be used for lightweight always-on profiling or advanced performance engineering use cases, such as tracing, monitoring, and auto-tuning. August 14th
9am-12pm PST
2 business days prior
Hatchet Hatchet is a Python-based library that allows Pandas dataframes to be indexed by structured tree and graph data. It is intended for analyzing performance data that has a hierarchy (for example, serial or parallel profiles that represent calling context trees, call graphs, nested regions’ timers, etc.). 2 business days prior
Thicket Thicket is a Python-based toolkit for analyzing ensemble performance data. You can find detailed documentation, along with tutorials of Thicket in the ReadtheDocs. 2 business days prior
RAJA RAJA is a library of C++ software abstractions, primarily developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), that enables architecture and programming model portability for HPC applications. August 17th
9am-11am PST
2 business days prior
Umpire Umpire is a resource management library that allows the discovery, provision, and management of memory on machines with multiple memory devices like NUMA and GPUs. 2 business days prior
Ascent Ascent is an open source many-core capable lightweight in situ visualization and analysis infrastructure for multi-physics HPC simulations. August 22nd
9am-11am PST
2 business days prior
Axom Axom provides robust, flexible software infrastructure for the development of multi-physics applications and computational tools. August 24th
9am-11am PST
2 business days prior
WEAVE WEAVE is a collection of open source workflow tools. WEAVE includes Sina and Maestro which can be used together to perform and analyze runs of your code. August 29th
9am-11am PST
2 business days prior
Flux Flux is a flexible framework for resource management, built for your site. The framework consists of a suite of projects, tools, and libraries which may be used to build site-custom resource managers for High Performance Computing centers. August 31st
9am-11am PST
2 business days prior

